Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Promise are meant to be broken, is just another way to tell a lie. If you promise someone you will probably forget about it, no one cares how the other person would feel about this, the person who you made the promise to. No one thinks before making promises they just make it and then never fulfill them.

Why do all the cute guys have ugly girls? Because they are willing to have sex with them, they would do anything to stay with that guy and that’s what mostly guys want. Pretty girls do the same thing they would be with an ugly guy because to money.

People who are working hard these days, later on they will be enjoying life while the people who are not stressing or working hard right now will be working there a*s off later on in life.

Most guys won't marry a girl who is known as a slut or have bad reputations, because they want a real wife who is respectful and have honour so they can show their friends and family how nice she is and same goes for girls they want the guy to be cute and perfect.

People who say they are in love, are they really in love? Or are they just in it for sex and/or money? Most of the time people say that they love someone but do they truly love that person? Will they actually die for that person? Saying I will drink a poison for you is one thing but actually drinking a poison for someone is another.

Why do people lie? They are afraid of telling the truth, they are weak to face the truth and they are weak to face the circumstances that the truth would bring, but somehow somewhere truth mostly comes out.

Why is it so hard to ask a person to marry them? Why the marriage question is always avoided? They are afraid of what the other person will answer but mostly they are not sure if they are ready to get marry and stay with the same person for rest of their life.

Why is trust so easily broken? We don't stop and think if the person we are trusting is even right. I guess that’s the reason it is so hard to trust someone and when we finally do they just break the trust in moments.

Why is it so easy to have four kids and still get a divorce? Some people are really selfish they look at what they want first and then they care about other people.

Whenever something bad happens we start to blame god, why don't we remember him when something good happens? As soon as something bad happens we start crying and asking god why he did this to us but we never say thank you for giving us all the happiness.

I know some people won't agree with this and some mite but this is the reality mostly of these things do happen and is sad to see what kind of world we live in.
If you make a promise never break it, if your with someone for sex or money don't do that is just wrong, work hard right now so you can enjoy life after, marry a girl or guy you love not a person who you think will be most suitable for family and friends to meet, don't say you’re in love if you don't mean it is just hurting the other person, don't lie truth mostly comes out so no point of lying, don't be afraid to spend your life with someone. If you really love them than ask them to marry you before is too late, never break anyone’s trust it will take forever to gain it back, if you’re getting divorce first think about your children talk to them about it, and always thank god for everything

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