What can a girl say to the boy who opened his heart to her, allowing her to feel the warmth of his love. You truly have no idea what I feel for you.
I try to put this feelings into words, but i fail miserably. This feeling of having both scared and at peace of having both butterflies and sense of calm, is a feeling that i have only dreamed about. As the days continue to grow. I never thought I had the capacity to love anybody as much i love you. Yet my love for you continues to mature, growing beyond the realm of my heart and It seems that you become the fiber of my soul, the very reason for my existence.
I just wanted to write you and let you know how much I do love you and how close we have became in such a short period of time. We may not have known each other long but our love is strong and it means everything to me. Thank you for loving me the way you are. You will never know just how much I love you, but I will spend the rest of my days trying to show you. Fighting is never an option and making love is always as sweet as the first time. somehow, you are the reason I have a good day. You are the reason I smile when there is nothing to smile about
When I am sitting there with your head on my lap playing with your hair and you fall asleep, I know I can never let you go. You look so peaceful and my love for you grows. When you look up at me with those beautiful eyes I see nothing but the love you have for me! How could I ever possibly let you leave my life? Sometimes I don't understand why I love you so much, but that's the greatest gift of love, you don't have to understand it, you just need to enjoy it and return the love that is given to you.
I want to thank you so much for allowing me to feel the greatest feeling I have ever felt, and I promise to cherish it and always love you and do my best to keep you happy. Thank you for everything you have done for me! And I am looking forward to the life we will share together. You became my reason, my existence and my dreams
But then never in my wildest dreams had I ever dreamt that I would fall in love with a man just like you. I've fallen in love with you, but you are not mine to fall in love with. And we both have realized this, so we keep a safe distance.
-Natashya Raz-