This was last year month of December everyone was exited to celebrate Christmas in the cluband our CGM force us to wear the hat so we got the mood of Christmas..woh yeah and this is the time i'm the ONLY GIRL in the team so i get pampered always with the boys in my team. you guys are amaizing shit that have happen in my life. How we chase our sales by the end of the month and work like no one business n try to slam on the phone just to hit our budjet. BUT WE DID. GO TEAM DU..

Moon was so drunk at this time n start bebeling to us n asking us to take pictures of him. This is the table where you can only hear them laughing like hell esp Moon's n Rafi's voice gosh. But i know they did enjoy the night.

FFDU P.T Team aka The Crazy Team

FFDU Amaizing girls in my life

They even got the tittle TOP P.T of the month. well they did struggle to get to where belong No 1 Team in Fitness First Malaysia. GO PT TEAM.

Dayang, Leanne, Nik, Zara the girls always have something to gossip about. Been livivng with them for 6 months and been thru our ups n down together.Missing those times where we had our nail paints and lunch in the sonsultant room hahah wat a day. Mi Amigas
My First months in FFDU. We're at Wakiki TTDI

It was raya last year when I 1st really hang out with these guys, Aisyah our Club Admin, Ahmad {janggut} was there.. hahah everyone got drunk at the beginning of the club outting except for me..cause I came late just got back from amar's open house. it was fun night out with everyone yeah including shanti was there also but never really spoke to her.
So basiclly these guys have already put their foot print in my heart. Being in FFDU been teaching me alot esp in doing sales. hahah tho i hate it so much....They are my colloueges, Friends and a Family to me.
Love you guys always
Natashya Raz
So basiclly these guys have already put their foot print in my heart. Being in FFDU been teaching me alot esp in doing sales. hahah tho i hate it so much....They are my colloueges, Friends and a Family to me.
Love you guys always
Natashya Raz